Sunday 7 August 2016


A strong marriage is only realized by those that continue to respect, care and pray for each other, especially in moments when they struggle to even like each other. Love is a decision, not a feeling. - Isaac.

True love says,... You may disappoint me, frustrate me, and annoy me, but I choose to love you, respect you and care for you anyway. True love is, "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

That is why marriage is not for people that easily quit. If you're a quitter you will always find countless reasons to quit and walk away. But those that endure the tough times will always enjoy the good times ahead. Press on! Don't quit. It often gets sweaty and bitter before it gets sweet and better.

Today alot of marriages are falling off due to the wrong use of the social media. Social Media Can Ruin Your Marriage: Marriage is holy. Don’t let your online relationships ruin your holy relationship. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Viber & text messaging etc. can negatively affect your marriage. Couples can be in one room yet be in different worlds. If not managed properly; computers, smartphones & social media can overthrow your spouse, dominate your marriage & control your life. 

Stay in control of your gadgets. Don’t let them control you. Your marriage needs to be the most important relationship in your life. Communicating with your spouse should take priority over any relationship you might have with all other people. Safeguard your marriage by avoiding secrecy. Out of mutual respect & for accountability’s sake, share your passwords with your spouse. Transparency builds trust & trust is the foundation on which successful marriages are built. “The two shall be one.” - Genesis 2:24. 

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