Sunday 30 October 2016

Woman who allegedly killed her children attempts suicide in court (photos)

30 year old Hasifa Nakato, accused of killing her two children in Kamuli district, Uganda tried to kill herself by trying to jump into the latrine during her case hearing last week.
She feigned stomach upset and just before her charges were read to her, asked the magistrate to let her use the latrine. The magistrate granted her a 5 minutes recces and some police officers took her to the latrine where she attempted to jump into the pit toilet.

“When we escorted her, she tried to force her legs into the opening of the latrine which is unusually wide. I think she had an intention of committing suicide so that she can block justice” said a female police officer.Her case has been adjourned to November 6 2016 ...

Photo credits Opio Sam Caleb

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