Friday 5 August 2016

RIP! This Gallant Soldier Was Killed By Boko Haram

The good soldier was also spending his time to teach little children in the Boko Haram ravaged areas. Read his touching story as shared by The New Tribes of Nigeria below:

We're glad to open the stories of stories on this page with the Story of Platoon Sergeant, Cheer Agba. Serving in the armed forces of Nigeria, he was posted to the volatile north eastern part of Nigeria to face the Boko Haram insurgency. 
Sergeant Agba served with heroism, and with heart. Leaving behind a wife and four kids, including a 2 week old baby, for over 4 years, he bravely served to recover the territories taken by the insurgents and to return normalcy to that part of Nigeria.

What was more however is that Sergeant Agba dedicated his spare time to educating the children in this volatile zones in an improvised open air classroom, with sand-Crete blocks as chairs and a flattened cardboard nailed to a tree as a blackboard.
In his own words: “I am thrilled at the pace of their improvement and can bet with the trigger of my weapon, if I am still here and the bullet does not take me, they'll be reading news papers in no distant time." 
We are grateful for the service of Officer Agba and it is our pleasure to highlight him as our first icon of nationalism on this page, a proud Tiv man, and a detribalized Nigerian.

Thank you for your service to you father land. May his soul rest in peace. Amen!

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