Monday 8 August 2016

I agree 100% that no one should marry a man or woman who can't pray for 1 hour straight- OAP Freeze responds

OAP Freeze responds to Pastor Adeboye's message about various topics on marriage last week. He wrote:
This week, I got so many emails and DMs, asking for my opinion on Pastor Adeoye's message about marrying a woman who cant cook etc. This, being a spiritual issue cannot be tackled with my usual 'Fayose' approach, as I needed to hear from God first. There were four main issues raised and I will try my best to address all. I wasn't in the service and I am relying on the emails and DMs as a point of reference.

The only part of the message I agree 100% with, is that no one should marry a man or woman who can't pray for 1 hour straight. The bible instructs us in the book of 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 to "pray without ceasing". In as much as we like to operate under the assumption that we control our own lives, in my opinion, the greatest part of our lives is controlled by external forces. Let's take the instance of former president Olusegun Obasanjo who was a free man in 1996, by 1997 he was imprisoned for treason, by 1998 he was released from prison after the sudden death of Abacha and by 1999 he was president of the federal Republic of Nigeria. If in 1996, Obasanjo had known he was going to be in prison the following year, he probably would have gone to sew prison uniform, awaiting his conviction. Also if in 1997, with a life sentence hanging around his neck, he had known that in a little over a year he would become president, he would have made adequate preparations, but guess what? Life happens. I remember having a chat over drinks with my boss Mr Moussalli, who told me that he used to stay in Nice, when Lebanon was being bombed because it was safe and calm. Who would ever have guessed that Nice itself was going to be be the scene of a gruesome terrorist attack about a month ago? So wisdom doesn't guarantee safety and strength doesn't guarantee bread. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Even the strongest man and the richest man in the world put together cannot control a hurricane.

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